Sunday, October 25, 2009

cbn :D

okay, i went to cbn pagi nie and it was AWESOME. eventhough mcm takde pape sgt but still, i had fun with asma, nena, najihah, aina and fazira (: so, dtgdtg je i lepak dgn nena dekat office. then, asma came. god, i miss her like hell. dah lame tu, kami pergi makan dekat McD :P
asma, aina, najihah were trying to skip perhimpunan tau sbb kene buat speech apa ntah. hahaha, lawak gila. tibatiba, tak jadi. on my way to the bus stand, i saw ikha :D she screamed and hugged me. * ily ikha! ngeee, i saw zul and fazrin coming towards me and we talked. diorang punya kawan semua stare tau, i was like 'sumpah psycho', haha. i pergi dekat makcik tania tau to beli some air and i saw adib, izun and ameer. hahaha, izun comel gila, as usual -.-'
ckpckp dengan makcik about college life semua, my adk pggl suruh pergi van. emran wanted to see me tau, i ingatkan die lupa ke ape. so, i pun blah je la. then, he called me. i pun mcm 'oh-kay'. but. everything was to late. i dah kene blk laa. conclusion is, i x sempat jumpe die :( * too bad.
well, i need to balik asrama balik oh today. sumpah rasa sekejap gila doh balik :( bye!