Tuesday, October 27, 2009

boredom strikes (:

hell-o mutants (:
that tingy up there, i drew it myself (: *kening-kening
hahaha, i was bored oh-kay? ngeee, its pretty kankan? hahaha, bodoh je oh.
nanti nak buat rainbow, cloud, smiley face semua :D dulu masa cuti, i've NO time nak buatbenda bodohbodoh mcm ni sbb ade banyak gila punya kambing homework -.-' sekarang kan dahhabis exam semua so, KABOOM! free terus. wootwoot! but, balik asrama lepas ni dah kenebelajar f2 punya syllabus -.-' and kene habiskan all the topics before august? hahaha, mmg akan pecah kepala la kan after this. ngeee, im bored right now and very hungry. grrr! klah, toodles ;D